I woke up on Sunday to find that the water I was using to clean brushes with was knocked over onto my computer- tablet and keyboard. I wonder what furry little monster could have done that. I couldn't work on my computer not being able to use my tablet or keyboard. All the commands I was sending were wrong. I couldn't even print the things out I needed to work on. Right now it's working. I think giving it a day let the water inside evaporate. A keyboard and mouse will be dropped off to me in a bit as back up. I really hope it just wasn't working temporarily. $200-$500 for another tablet, ugh.
So maybe I can finally get to my website this week and back work. No new clients until I catch up. I'm locking myself in here and praying for no more distractions, hold ups, or problems. I think I'll get a smart phone for my birthday to help me be more organized and beep at me when I'm not doing enough work. And something to boost my reception.. is there such a thing?
So here's what I've been doodling.
Here's a sketch of Sky I doodled while he was drawing . My scanner also appears to be broken, I keep getting streaks. Come on! D: (Haha, someone said he looks like Rufio)
And some brush/pen doodling sketches...