Thursday, June 24, 2010

80 degrees is too hot

I had my hometown opening upstate last weekend, a benefit for animal rescue groups on the East river with some pieces donated earlier this week, I have a show opening in Nyack just a few weeks. I have to go back to barrow and take better pictures of the new paintings with a tripod and lighting tools. There were 20 pieces in all. Below are just my favorites and what isn't in my portfolio.

Working title is "Secrets". The drawing and some digital color to break up the shapes. It needs some more work. A little more space after the top of her head. What I plan to do is have pieces of the drawing on paper composed on a wood panel, and sand away sections. I started doing this process with another painting and I liked the texture. I bought new brushes and medium, have to finish this and the two other in progress oils done for the show.